Meet IdaNicole

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IdaNicole works both online and in-person with adults and couples she works with depression, anxiety, self-esteem, women's issues and intimacy trauma she also specializes in Adult Sexual Health, she supports those interested in:

  • reclaiming healthy romantic and intimate relationships after trauma
  • exploring and understanding your sexual identity 
  • how lifestyle and interests impact your sexual well-being

    IdaNicole is flexible with appointment scheduling and can accommodate evening and weekend sessions. Want to discover more about IdaNicole scroll down for more!

Fostering Intimacy and Communication is so important...

It is really important that we understand what fostering intimacy and effective communication can do to improve our relationships. 

We believe passionately in helping individuals and couples enhance their emotional connection, improve communication skills, and deepen intimacy in their relationships.

Reclaiming healthy romantic and intimate relationships after trauma:

Healing from past trauma is a courageous journey, and Ida is here to support you every step of the way. She offers a safe and compassionate space for individuals looking to reclaim healthy romantic and intimate relationships after experiencing trauma. Her trauma-informed approach focuses on healing, rebuilding trust, and nurturing positive connections.

Sexual Identity Supports:

Exploring and understanding your sexual identity is a deeply personal experience. We provide affirming and inclusive support for individuals navigating questions of sexual orientation, gender identity, and self-acceptance. Ida is dedicated to creating a supportive environment where you can explore your identity with authenticity and without judgement or fear.

Lifestyle and Interests:

Sexual health is influenced by various lifestyle factors and personal interests. Ida's counselling style encompasses a knowledgable approach...Whether your seeking guidance on holistic approach that considers how lifestyle choices and individual interests impact your sexual well-being, incorporating your passions into your relationships or exploring new facets of your sexuality, Ida is here to offer tailored support including:

  • Individual counselling sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals.
  • Couples therapy to strengthen communication, rebuild trust, and cultivate intimacy in your relationships after experiencing trauma.
  • Supportive and Non-judgemental acceptance for exploring and affirming your sexual identity.
  • Guidance in incorporating lifestyle factors and interests into your sexual health journey.

Are you ready for an open-minded, supportive environment that you can achieve the clarity you deserve? Book today!

Let's start working together!

Contact IdaNicole today for a free 15 minute phone consult and learn more about how you can get support in your journey towards a healthier relationship and a fulfilling intimate life.

Text 604-353-8454 or email with "connect with IdaNicole" in the subject line.

About IdaNicole

IdaNicole is a Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC) and Clinical Therapist (CT), holding memberships in esteemed professional organizations such as the Canadian Professional Counsellors Associations and the Association of Counselling Therapists of Alberta. With a commitment to upholding the highest standards of practice, IdaNicole brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to her roll as a counsellor and therapist. Her standing within these reputable associations reflects her unwavering dedication to professional development and adherence to ethical guidlines ensuring that she provides exemplary care and support to her clients.

Who is IdaNicole personally...

As a mother to two grown sons, one of whom is on the autism spectrum, and a grandmother to three grandchildren, my journey has been one of resilience and advocacy. Having faced challenges including abuse, sexual assault, and trauma in my own life, I am deeply committed to empowering others to cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Driven by my own experiences of navigating through adversity, I recognized a profound lack of accessible resources and support for individuals seeking to heal and thrive in their romantic and sexual lives. This realization ignited my passion to bridge this gap and offer guidance to those on similar paths.

Throughout my life, I have often felt like a square peg in a round hole, with my interests, values, and perspectives diverging from conventional norms. Embracing authenticity amidst societal pressures can be daunting, yet I have learned firsthand the transformative power of self-acceptance and resilience.

With a blend of personal insight and professional expertise, I am dedicated to fostering an environment of understanding, acceptance, and empowerment for individuals seeking to embrace their true selves and cultivate meaningful relationships.

"Learning to be yourself can be a very difficult thing, who knew??? Lol" IdaNicole Hearder

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