Caregiver Supports

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Counselling for Step- Parents, Adoptive, Foster and Kinship Families

Are you ready to:

 ~ Reclaim joy in your life

 ~ Achieve your personal and family goals

~  Live authentically

~ Make a big difference in a childs life

You’ve taken the classes...

You thought you were prepared for the journey of fostering or adopting a child…

But now, as you’re in the thick of it, as much as you love them, it feels like a constant outpouring of energy and time just to meet their needs.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re not sure if you’re making a difference or if you can even keep up this pace.
  • Home feels chaotic. The honeymoon period is over, and their challenging behaviors leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted.
  • You thought you knew what to expect, but it’s so much more than you imagined.

You’re beginning to question:

  • Can you meet their needs without sacrificing your own?
  • Can you find balance and hope again?

Here’s how I can help: I provide caregivers like you with the strategies to regain your footing, feel in control, and navigate the complexities of caregiving.

  • Practical tools to work collaboratively with your children, schools, and caseworkers.
  • Support to keep going, even on the hard days.
  • Encouragement to never lose hope and to recognize how incredible you truly are.

You’ve already stepped up in ways most can’t imagine—let me help you thrive in this vital role. 

You’re Not Alone on This Journey!

Niki has over 30 years of experience as a foster parent, and understands the challenges you face. You don’t have to navigate them on your own—she is here to support and guide you every step of the way.

At Healing Family Matters Counselling in Fort Saskatchewan, AB, we’re here to help caregivers like you with:

✨ Managing exhaustion and prioritizing self-care

✨ Parenting challenges and behavior strategies

✨ Building stronger relationships and routines

✨ Overcoming anxiety, depression, and burnout

Let’s work together to find the tools and strategies you need to thrive—for yourself and your family.

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